Dessert Club fun, tasty way to make new friends, says co-president
Photos provided by Abigail Goldenberg
Mr. McDonough enjoys a piece of cake at last years Dessert Club meeting.
Oct 21, 2020
Why do you like being in the Dessert Club?
I really like baking, so being able to combine friends, school and baking is super fun.
What are your goals for the club this year?
We mainly help people connect and make friends. This year, due to COVID-19, we are trying to just spread a love for baking until we can get it up and running safely.
How do you feel about having to manage the club virtually this year?
I feel pretty good because I think we have a solid plan. It is also super fun to design the presentations and meetings.
What’s your favorite thing about being a member?
My favorite thing would definitely be getting to connect with new people.
What excites you most about the club this year?
Being able to transition into more of a baking club this year will be super fun.
As Co-President of the club, what message or advice do you want to leave for the new members?
Have fun and tell us things. We will listen to suggestions.
How are you starting the year off in regards to planning for future events?
We have the first meeting planned out and we are going to base all future ones on how that goes.
Describe the club for new members and people looking to join.
Dessert club is a fun and tasty way to make new friends while baking or simply just eating.
As Co-President, what’s your hardest struggle?
Mainly just having to transition the club to be safe and virtual.
What’s your favorite meeting/event of the year?
Probably the winter holidays or Valentine’s day meeting.
To join the Dessert Club, contact them through their instagram @dessertclubbhs or join their remind by texting @bellairedc to 81010 to get information about the upcoming meetings.