The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press


“I would describe my high school experience as metamorphical.

I’ve been playing piano since I was 5 and cello since I was 8. I’ve been in an orchestra since middle school. But then my class was hit with starting high school freshman year online. High school got better sophomore year when I got to actually be part of an orchestra, but I was mostly limited to playing cello in the orchestra and piano outside [of school]. 

In senior year, I got into the varsity orchestra. That’s when everything started clicking [and] falling into place. I knew that [orchestra] this was the thing that I was going to commit to the most, so I thought, might as well just go all in.  I found peers that I connected to and I made one of my greatest friends in all of high school years. I actually got to play pieces that challenged me. The UIL [piece] this year was the hardest cello orchestra piece that I’ve [played].  

But it really got interesting when I started integrating piano into orchestra. I found a lot more comfort playing music. In the spring concert I had my 20-minute piano solo. That took everything out of me. That [solo] was basically the final boss for me for orchestra and everything. As someone who didn’t get into the varsity orchestra last year, I wasn’t expecting to be the one awarded the National School Orchestra award. 

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[Winning the award] made me think about my music career as a whole. [It] really made me think that I might continue doing [music] after I graduate. I’m not planning on majoring in music, but for now I can’t wait to join another orchestra.”

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