The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press


Provided by Shaun Israni
Shaun Israni and his brother Deven are both graduating early. They are moving to opposite sides of the country, with Shaun in California and Deven in New York.

“It started in October when I went to the college center. I asked if I could apply to college [early].The plan was just to get feedback from the colleges. I ended up getting into a school that I really want to go to [and] after a month I finally made the hard decision that I’m going to go.

I don’t know if I regret doing it or not. But I’m glad I got into UCSD.

I found out that I got into USC as well [after getting into UCSD]. So now I have to choose between [them]. It’s a really tough decision. I’m hoping that the trip [to visit the USC campus will] help me out.

I had mixed feelings about [going to college early]. I’m gonna miss all my friends next year but I can always keep in touch with them. If I didn’t take this opportunity, then I might not get it next year [and] I would have felt a lot of regret. [There’s still] a lot of regret because I won’t be here for senior year, but I can still go to prom and gain a lot of senior experiences.

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[There will be] more freedom, but that’s also scary as well. Am I going to survive in college? Because I don’t know how to cook. I can barely wake myself up in time. I’m not gonna have any family [in the area]. It’s really scary, especially because I’ve had this layer of security [with] one more year left of high school. But now I don’t [have that].

[When I told people], a lot of them just didn’t believe me because that’s something unheard of. And for [some time], I didn’t really believe myself. When I applied I didn’t really know anything. I got really lucky to get into those schools.

I feel like it’s the start of something new.”

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