The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

HUMANS OF BELLAIRE – Cordavian Adams

Provided by Cordavian Adams

“[This year for football] was a great season. It was fun, I’m gonna miss those guys. Every game out there, we did all we could, and we had fun. I really just hope that those guys are able to overcome obstacles [and] have a successful season next year. 

I’ve been playing football all my life really. When I came to Bellaire, it [was clear that] things ran differently here [than] from any other school. It was a huge adjustment. This year, I played receiver, running back, DB [defensive back] and corner[back]. I truly felt that I was a playmaker. Whatever coach wanted me to play, that’s what I was going to play. I would do anything to help my team.”

“I have two [favorite memories]. [During] last year’s homecoming game, we were down 18-0. [It was] just a tragedy, being down in the homecoming game. I remember scoring twice, back to back and [then] scoring the game-winning touchdown that day. It was just amazing. It was a feeling like in the movies when you score [a] winning touchdown. It was just so [unreal]. [In] that game, I had to step in and play running back. I’m not running back at all. I had to [do what] I had to. I was glad to have my team come out on top. 

This year, we had [to] play Westbury to go to the playoffs. We had to beat them. I remember we were down again. We just weren’t moving as fast and we were making minor mistakes that we shouldn’t have made. We just had to just risk it all, so Will [Hazen] threw [the ball] up to me. And I went up there, [and] I snagged [the ball] over [an opposing player]. It was insane. It was a play. I really never thought I could do that. [That experience] showed me that I’m capable of these things. I was able to [make] that score. I’m going to Cisco College, a JUCO college. I have a scholarship. I’m going there, playing there and looking to keep working hard each and every day, so I can eventually make it to D1.”

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