The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press


Mia Lopez
Senior Mia Lopez prepares to bat the ball.

“I first started playing softball when I was 4 years old.

Playing on the varsity softball team throughout high school has allowed me to continue playing the sport I love while making close friends. Before high school, I never truly knew if I would play softball in college, but after I started my freshman year, I knew I had to play at the next level. Being able to practice every day, especially during COVID, allowed me to realize how much I enjoyed the sport.

After my freshman year on varsity, I spent the summer putting in tons of work to step up as a key player my sophomore year. Being a leader on the team isn’t a role I chose; it just happens over time. As a leader, I made sure to communicate uniquely with my teammates, matching their personalities. I put lots of time and energy into the sport. Over my four years on varsity, I have come to [know] my team, and we were able to win districts twice and make it to the regional semifinals during our 2023 playoff run.

Going into each game, I’m always confident in myself no matter who the opponent is. You have to carry a certain level of confidence in yourself in order to succeed because if you go into a game with a negative mindset, you’re already setting yourself up for failure.

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We proved this my junior year when we beat Katy in Areas, winning 1-0 on one hit by our pitcher in the first inning. Beating Katy was probably my favorite Bellaire softball memory because it was such a huge shocker to everyone as we were expected to get blown out.

Overall, I think being part of Bellaire softball was an experience I’ll always cherish. I think the program helped me grow into the person I am today. I am excited to continue my softball career at the collegiate level at the Colorado School of Mines while majoring in electrical engineering.”

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