On Oct. 10 senior member of FFA Shelby Armstrong won Grand Champion and Reserve Champion for her two steers at the Harris County Fair. She placed first overall and second overall with these awards.
Armstrong worked hard to take care of her steers and to be able to win this competition.
“I had to feed and clean my steers every day to make sure they stayed healthy. It’s important that they are in great condition so you can place well at the competitions,” Armstrong said.
Armstrong’s friend, junior member of FFA Caitlyn Wagner discussed all of the work that went into caring for their animals at the FFA Barn.
“Every morning I wake up at 4:45 a.m. to feed my goat, and I work with my goat every day for at least two hours after school. All of the other members of FFA put in just as much or more work as me to take care of their animals,” Wagner said.
Armstrong has won several other awards because of the hard work she has put into caring for her heifers and steers. She likes to participate in FFA because she’s around all of her friends and works with animals which she is passionate about.
“I’ve made all my friends in FFA because we all love to do the same thing, take care of and raise animals. I decided to do FFA because it’s something I really enjoy doing,” Armstrong said.
Wagner points out that even though it is a lot of work, she enjoys every minute of it.
“FFA really helps with determination, responsibility, leadership, and patience. It is a lot of work, but I don’t even notice because it’s so fun. I don’t feel like I’m actually working,” Wagner said.