On Jan. 9, 529 seniors lined up during their third period class to take their senior panoramic photo in front of the school.
“The bleachers were scary, ” senior Abigail Alvarez said. “We were compacted like sardines. You couldn’t really move around.”
It took 30 minutes to take three photos, one in the shape of the number 24, one silly photo and a panorama.
“We just had to stand in line and they [the assistant principals] called [up people who are] “6’2”, 6’1” etc.,” senior Raiden Mosier said. “So there was a lot of height-guessing.”
The reality that graduation is this semester sunk in for Mosier as he stood surrounded by soon-to-be Bellaire alumni.
“It’s a little shocking,” Mosier said. “All these people that I’m seeing in this photo, I’m probably not going to see again.”

The printed panoramas, taken by Goldbeck Company, were available the next day by the library for $30.
“I’m excited because it’s an accomplishment,” senior Henry Dominguez said. “Twelve years of your life just at school, and we’re getting that out. But I’m also nervous for my future, college and all that.”
This year’s seniors are the last Cardinal class to have attended Bellaire pre-renovation.
“This is our first normal year of high school since the renovation and COVID,” Alvarez said. “It’s sad to graduate, not having fully enjoyed school for years, but it’s nice to know that we’re gonna move on to the next chapter.”
Senior graduation day will be June 9, 2024.
“I’m looking more forward to graduation day when we’re all wearing our caps and gowns and actually with our diplomas and walking across the stage with our families and friends watching,” Alvarez said.