The Career Club had its first meeting in room 3714 on Jan. 28. The interest meeting introduced its officers as they shared their social media and future plans for the club.
Sophomore and Co-President Shiraz Alapat said that the club will host meetings involving professionals who speak about their “day-to-day” work. They plan to create a Google Form and gain input from members about professionals they want to hear from.
“Most people have incorrect perceptions of certain careers, and this club would provide insight into the real life of these people,” Alapat said. “School fails to prepare students for choosing a career, and it is difficult to find real professionals in fields that you are interested in. That is why we made a career club, to create a resource for students to find their passions.”
Sponsor and English 2 Pre-AP teacher Jennifer Harbaugh would like to see one guest speaker per month in the Career Club.
“Career Club is a strong idea that has the potential to do really great things,” Harbaugh said. “I would like for it to try and inspire students to maybe explore that career, maybe not necessarily do that career, but give them an outlet for exploration.”
Sophomore and Co-President Rishabh Thosani said the meetings would also include helping build students a resume based on what they’ve done and extracurriculars in preparation for college.
“I’m happy I started this club because it’ll help me and help others because I feel like if you enter without having a goal in mind you’ll be led astray and distracted,” Thosani said. “I think having a goal in mind really helps you stay focused and committed.”
The Career Club’s next meeting will be on Feb. 20. To learn more about Career Club, follow them on Instagram at @careerclub.bhs or on Remind at @bhs-career.