On Aug. 27, 2012, freshmen took on their very first day of high school, navigating the hallways and meeting new teachers and new friends. First day excitement and chaos left freshmen uneasy.
“It was scary during the passing periods because there were so many big people, but the maps were helpful, and I really like the new scenery,” freshman Abi Congdon said.
Congdon noted the benefits of Cardinal Camp, a three-day information session in the summer for freshmen to familiarize themselves with their new school, though she was still overwhelmed on the first day.
“It was nice to have Cardinal Camp to get used to the school, but I still got so lost on the first day,” Congdon said. “I couldn’t find any of my classes and room numbers, and it was worse because I kept getting jostled around.”
Other freshmen appreciated their newfound freedom in high school.
“Lunch is longer, and we can sit wherever and do whatever,” freshman McKenna Compton said. “Lunch at Pin Oak was only about 45 minutes, but here it is almost an hour. Also, the classes are way bigger, and we have so much more freedom – no one stops me in the hall and asks what I’m doing. In middle school, my biggest class had 30 kids, but here it has around 45, and it feels huge.”
This year’s freshmen also get to enjoy the new science wing and remodeled bathrooms. Bellaire welcomes the new class of 2016!