Spring-break out your cameras: Submit your best photos/clips you took on spring break
Submit your best photos/clips that show events that occurred during spring break. Photos must be high quality, in focus, and well-composed. Minimal post-processing is allowed (e.g., adjusting brightness, contrast, or color balance) and no extensive manipulation or compositing (e.g., adding or removing elements from the photo) is allowed.

Submission Criteria
1. All clips and photos should be school appropriate
2. All clips should be no longer than 30 seconds
3. All submissions should be clear.
2. All clips should be no longer than 30 seconds
3. All submissions should be clear.
Submit Contest Clips/Photos Here
Contest Description
The Penny Prize is a monthly contest held by the Three Penny Press to garner engagement among the Bellaire community. It is meant to give credit to others by allowing them to showcase their photography/videography skills as well as their ability to find/know interesting things to document. It is also hoped that the submissions will help paint a diverse picture of campus culture. The top 3 submissions will receive a gift card reward and the top 5 submissions will be displayed on the Three Penny Press Instagram and website.
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