The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press


Sara Shen
As a member of the Contemporary Arts Museum teen council, Shen’s artwork was displayed in one of their featured galleries. She poses with senior Katelyn Ta.

“I started art when I was little, I did it in middle school, and then I got serious [in] high school. through my art classes at Bellaire I’ve built up my skills and my passion. over COVID, I started to draw characters in shows or movies and album covers through Procreate digitally. I also like to paint traditionally with acrylic.

One of my biggest passions is physics. I think space is really cool. It’s just cool how [astrophysics] explains the way that the world works. [I] like interpreting the world through art and then physics is [the] science and mathematical explanation of why things move and do what they do. It’s like two sides of the same coin.

I did a program last summer. It was an astrophysics program, and so that’s why I got into astronomy and astrophysics. The Yale summer program [in] astrophysics was such a great experience. I learned a lot of astrophysics, but it was more about the friendships I made along the way. [I] still keep in touch [with them] and they were the smartest and coolest people that I ever met.
Some of the highlights throughout high school were the STUCO events like project Santa [and] Spring Fling We were really busy planning for [the events], but it’s so rewarding and I’m really excited we did it.

You should find what you love to do and stick with it. If you find that it doesn’t work out for you, there’s so many more opportunities to explore [in high school]there’s so many clubs [outside of] just classes, so you can definitely find something [you love].

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I think it’s really important to find people that make you happy and people who make you a better person. Find the people who make you the person that you want to be. from there you can go anywhere.”

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