The Black Student Association hosted its annual Black History Month program on Feb. 20 in the auditorium. The program’s theme was “The Celebration of Generations” and spanned generations from the Greatest Generation (1901-1927) to Generation Alpha (2013-present). Around 200 people attended the program.
BSA Co-President and one of the program’s emcees Taylor McCullar came up with the theme of generations when she decided she wanted the program to be something different.
“I didn’t want it to be a typical Black history program where everyone just does ‘Black people stuff,’” McCullar said. “I feel like everything needs to have a theme, the same way if you write an essay, you have a point to it. My goal for the program was to show everyone that there is way more to Black history than slavery.”
The hardest part of the planning process for McCullar was the auditions. Few students wanted to audition for the program, so she had to reach out to clubs and students to ask them to participate.
Geometry teacher Courtney Meekins and college counselor Jasmine Thomas helped McCullar put the theme and program together. While she wished those in the program could have practiced more, McCullar felt that the night was a success.
“My favorite part was just seeing my vision actually come to life and actually seeing that people showed up for the program,” McCullar said. “I was scared people weren’t going to really show up because when it comes to Black people, we aren’t really pushed or promoted or supported, but more people showed up than we [the BSA officers] thought were going to, so I was very happy about that.”
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