Choir raises money for competition

Maya Kanani

Senior Reece Lehmann washes a car at the choir car wash on Nov. 11.

On Oct. 14, the choir hosted their annual fundraiser car wash. The car wash was held at Crosspoint Church 4601 Bellaire Blvd 77401 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Not only was the annual car wash a fun event, it had a wonderful purpose. Choir director and AP Music Theory teacher, Amy Solberg was excited for the car wash. She is passionate about the events this fundraiser supported.

“The money goes towards helping to pay for meals on our competition trip that we take in the spring,” Solberg said. “You will be supporting the choir program and the individuals who need some financial assistance which is especially important after the devastation of hurricane Harvey.”

Although the main purpose of the car wash was to raise money, many choir students found this work for a cause enjoyable. Jarred Francis, a sophomore and a second year choir student, can attest to this statement.

“It’s a way for us to have fun away from work,” Francis said. “It’s another event that you can spend with all of the choirs rather than just your assigned group.” While working, the students found ways to enjoy themselves. Senior Caroline Lee, the Choir Vice President, interacted with her fellow choir members as she washed cars.

“Even though it’s made primarily to help raise for the choir funds, I consider it as more of a social event,” Lee said. “There is always music playing and since it’s choir kids we all end up singing along.”