Booster Club President Sophia Thai Profile


Lights. Camera. Action. Friday night lights shine down onto the football field and Senior Sophia Thai, president of the Booster Club, can be found running the flags around the field.

Thai was first introduced to Booster Club back in her sophomore year. At the time she had no clue what the purpose of the club was.

“My friend heard that they were recruiting members,” Thai said. “She told me about the application process and I found it to be really interesting. It was a two-step process, and before we could run for a position, we had to write an essay and get it approved by AP Gary Tunstall.”

Booster Club is an organization where members boost school spirit and encourage other students to be more hyped. They work hard to sustain the peppy atmosphere at school and on the football fields.

“We go to football games and make sure the crowd is lively,” Thai said. “When a touchdown is made, we run the flags through the stands to celebrate and try to keep everybody energetic.”

This club has benefitted Thai in more than one way. She has not only found friends, but has also developed a family.

“I have made many memories with my fellow officers and club members,” Thai said. “However, my most favorite was when the football team made it to the playoffs last year and we were able to play at the University of Houston stadium.”

Thai was elected as president of the club this year.

“It is actually really funny because when I first came in, I knew nothing about the club,” Thai said. “I think I’m the first Asian Booster Club President which means a lot to me. I am passionate about this club because I’ve worked hard to achieve this position.”

With this position, came many responsibilities. Thai kept alert of her surroundings to keep everything running smoothly.

“I make sure that there are always flags at the game,” Thai said. “I manage the Booster Club Twitter account to make sure the football schedule is up to date and I give a weekly update to who we are playing against. Besides these tasks, I also watch over all the club members to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to be doing.”

Through this club, Thai has been able to enhance skills that are necessary in the professional world. She has learned to balance her classes with not only her work schedule, but also the time she has committed to Booster Club.

“I feel that this club provided me with many opportunities that can be related to the real world,” Thai said. “Besides the practices we have throughout the week, football games are typically on Friday or Saturday nights. I make sure to finish most of my homework beforehand so I don’t fall behind. If I cannot, I make sure to dedicate Sunday to schoolwork.”