The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

The student news site of Bellaire High School

Three Penny Press

HUMANS OF BELLAIRE – Aaditya Krishna

“I’m a coach for a youth basketball team. I feel fulfilled because I used to be a player on that team. Now that I’m a coach, [so] it’s like a full circle moment. 

I coached last summer, [but] I don’t think we won a game that season. I was still learning. I didn’t have a lot of skills, but I was still having fun. I got a lot of knowledge and more experience with what to do [when playing on the varsity Bellaire basketball team]. I learned from [Coach] Glover. I saw what we did at practice, and I mimicked the practices we had, all the warm ups, the drills and the plays. I [taught] those kids what I was learning at the same time.

The next season we went undefeated. 

Winning the championship [is] my fondest memory [from coaching]. [I learned] leadership and responsibility because the way you coach, what you teach your players, how strict you are [and] how much you put into the team dictates how the season goes. Rather than just playing around and having fun all the time, having a mix of work and play is a good balance.

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Making varsity [was my biggest accomplishment in basketball this year]. I would say [my favorite memory is] chilling with the boys in the locker room. Just having fun, shooting around, playing scrimmages. Those are the best times. [I learned about my] role because I may not have the biggest impact, but knowing what [I] can do best and helping [my team in] the way [I] can — that’s the meaning of community.”

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