Calculus teacher receives recognition as Teacher of the Year


AP Calculus AB and College-Prep Geometry teacher Julie Burnside won the honor of Teacher of the Year for the second time. Having taught at Bellaire for 17 years, Burnside gave an insight into how she felt when she got the award once again.

“I was very surprised and honored.” Burnside said. “I received it in 2007 but so much has changed since then.”

Surrounded by teaching her entire life, Burnside gave insight into why she became the teacher she is today. Furthermore, she explained what teaching meant to her.

“My dad was a math teacher,” Burnside said. “I have a lot of teachers in my family. It’s just something I’ve always loved.”

As someone who teaches difficult subjects, Burnside’s goal is to make sure that a light environment is created for the students. Sticking to a few main philosophies, Burnside tries her best to make sure her students like and understand what they’re learning.

“Even though I teach pretty serious subjects, I try to always keep it fun,” Burnside said. “I keep in mind that if people enjoy your class, then they’ll work harder for you.”

Speaking on her students, Burnside went on to talk about the role they play in her life outside of school. Often times, her students will reach out to her and tell them about how much she helped them or where they are at the moment.

“I think it’s nice when I see what my students do after they graduate,” Burnside said. “People put where they’re going to college and their first job, and then where they end up five, six years down the road.”

Beyond what happens in school, Burnside talked about the process after being awarded Teacher of the Year. In order to continue into district, region and state level, each teacher awarded at every school must first complete a set of tasks.

“Every Teacher of the Year from each school has to complete a couple of essays and a powerpoint presentation,” Burnside said. “I wrote about how to appropriately use technology since we are a new laptop school.”

Once the teachers have sent in all the important information, all there’s left to do is wait to hear if they’ve advanced.

“We submit the essays online so what we appear like on paper is really determining,” Burnside said. “I would assume the results would come in early May before things wrap up at the end of the school year.”

We wish Ms. Burnside all the luck as she accepts the award for Teacher of the Year at Bellaire with a chance of reaching district, regional, and state.