[NEWS BRIEF] ‘Re’-cognizing the Carillon Yearbook

The yearbook staff wears matching T-shirts with their cover colors on their theme design. This year they decided to have the theme as “Re” with the colors: turquoise, imperial purple, yellow, navy blue and magenta.

Carillon Yearbook staff members distributed more than 550 yearbooks Friday, April 29 on Main Street.  About 850 students purchased books and there are about 15 boxes left, according to yearbook adviser Andrea Negri.

Sophomore and chief of design Katelyn Ta said she loves the yearbook’s theme and cover because it is different from any other yearbook she has seen.

“I’m really happy with how they turned out because we got to see the covers yesterday at our banquet,” Ta said. “I like the simple circle design that kind of looks like a camera shutter. I think it’s the first time we have multiple color covers so that was a surprise. I really like the theme this year of ‘re’ because it’s focusing on recovery, renewal and returning back to normalcy.”

Freshman Isabella Sorenson said that though she loved the book, she didn’t understand the colors on the cover. 

Main Street was crowded with students trying to pick up their yearbooks. Yearbook members were excused from class the whole day to help distribute all the boxes of books for the next few days. (Irene Zheng)

“I think the colors of it should have been red, black and white because those are the school colors,” Sorenson said. “I thought the yellow, pink, purple and blue were kind of random and a few students preferred the colors their friends got. My favorite section was the sports section though.”

Freshman Andrew Brown hopes to buy a book because he enjoys reading about the athletics. 

“I’m going to buy the yearbook because it’s a good opportunity to see all the things that are happening in the school,” Brown said. “All the pages were diverse and you could see all the different activities.”

Senior and co-editor in chiefs Bruce Le said he is glad that everything turned out well “despite the stressful process to produce a yearbook.” 

According to Le, the book’s different colors on the cover connected to the theme “Re, ” which means “coming back to life.” The colors were meant to represent “blooming” as students reconnect with each other in person in comparison to the last year’s 2020-21 white yearbook, which came out at the end of  the virtual school year. 

“It was a lot of work to come up with a theme that is unique to the school year because we try to figure out something that represents us as a student body,” Le said. “Yearbook is pretty great and I’ve made so many great friendships and memories along the way.”

Anyone who has not yet picked up their yearbook may contact Ms. Negri in Room 1714 or email her at [email protected] for pickup schedules.