Summer was not the Same


I understand that people always say this will be a summer that l never forget, or this summer changed my life. I never thought this exaggeration would have so much meaning towards me. This summer started off like every other the only difference in my head was that next school year would be my last in high school. So, l went home ready for anything summer had to bring started making plans with my friends and going on trips to see family. Here is where things took a huge left turn for the worst. I went to one of my best friend’s house to spend the night. The next morning l woke up without a care in the world ready to see what we were going to do that day. Then my phone went off l picked it up thinking it was my mom only to find out it was my auntie Freda calling me. I already knew something was wrong. I heard it from her voice and the feeling l got from the pit of my stomach. I know that may sound weird to some people, but l knew something was just not right. The next four words that came out of her mouth broke my heart “Your grandmother has passed away” l did understand and told her she was lying. I just didn’t want to believe her a woman l just talked to about the night before is dead no way. She started crying with me trying to tell me things to make me feel better, but nothing was working all l wanted was to know that my grandmother was alive, and this was all a bad dream. But life doesn’t work that way a few moments later on the phone everything she was telling me was the truth and something l had to believe. The second person l had to call was my mom and see how she was doing because l knew she wasn’t okay. After l ended the call with her l packed my things and went home to comfort her and support with anything l could do to help. When l got home we just laid there no talking but trying to understand everything that just happened in the few hours. My mom told me that we had to go back home to Africa because we needed to be there with our family and l had no problem. I felt a little bad because l was so excited to go back home and see everyone that l haven’t seen in 10 years. When everyone found out that we were coming back home we got calls felt and right about how they were happy to see us. When we got back home the first two weeks were amazing we didn’t think about grandma only about getting ready for the funeral. The next two weeks were very hard with everyone coming to our house saying sorry for our lost and helping us with things that we needed help with. Even though my grandmother passed away and left this earth without her being there l can always feel her in spirit.