Changes in daily habits help make better decisions

In everyday life, technology has improved greatly with devices that have the highest technology ever. My experience with technology has to be playing games for countless of hours straight and not stopping to do anything productive. But, my story is not over these events because that will be completely horrific. My story is actually my change four years ago from being the huge gamer to becoming someone who does productive activities because of the instinct drop in grades.

Computers and technology was never my thing, I always feel like I enjoyed the outdoors and playing sports leisurely with friends, but I never really played games on consoles or computers that much, so I usually played mobile games on the phone and iPad. Now, many people will think how playing on mobile games would consume so much time and dedication. That was the same misconception I made too. I thought playing mobile games was just for leisure and for fun.

In 8th grade, I found a popular but very game in the app store called Vainglory. It is a multiplayer online battle arena which are games that take thirty minutes to play. It had the same concept as popular games on the computers like League of Legends, but the special thing about this game was that it was touch-based. I never thought a game with such great graphics and modern gameplay could be on mobile. I spent a few hours playing the game at first, as I knew that middle school did not have much homework.

The amount of free time, and the amount of time wasted was huge. Day after day I played the game over and over. I played 1 hour to 2 hours to 3 hours to 5 hours. I played competitively, or so I thought. I even went as far as watching YouTube to get better. At this point, I climbed up rank after rank not knowing if I was awake or not. But in all honesty, the addictive part of the game was bad. Even though I was not someone who hid in their bedroom, I still had a lot of time with friends, family, and not physically unfit. So that way good. Until I saw my grades.

The huge change happened in my freshman year of high school. As my homework load got bigger, my time in gaming went down drastically. In the middle of the year I realized the reality of my childhood. I knew I was wasting time in something was not worth the time. Summer camps and outdoor camps in Boy Scouts helped me change the view of how different my time could have been spent. Through hard work in school, countless volunteer hours and working a summer job, understood that anything is better than sitting in a room closed off from reality. I finally understood the harms of games, and now I only play games that took less time and stress, because it was not something that will be addictive. I increased my time learning new things and took time that I used to play games into great memories worth more than a fortune. I ultimately learned time is money especially in my childhood.