The Transition of Becoming a High Schooler

When the class gets boring, we all daydream about many things. One thing that is always interesting to daydream about is remembering and reliving your memories. Recalling big transitions is one thing that everyone can relate to. One of the bigger transitions in my 16 years on Earth is going from a middle schooler to a high schooler. I knew that the transition from elementary to middle school was nothing like this transition, although both changes have really altered many students’ way of living.

In middle school and even elementary school, there was less autonomy in school, but the amount of lax in workloads outweighed the overall freedom I got. But in the end, I feel like it is better for me to adapt to the changes and continue to work and have fun as much as possible in any environment.

I remember like it was like yesterday, yet it happened three years ago. After having a very fun time playing basketball with my friends, the last day of school as an eighth grader was a very appropriate field day. Getting out of school for the last time is always the best feeling after very long hours in classrooms. But this time it was the end of the school year, and most importantly end of middle school. Just like fifth grade, leaving this school is going to be the last time being a student ever. I felt that surge of happiness overshadows by the the the sadness of not being able to have the same routine again. And to add on that, this was going to be a big transition, because this is the transition to high school.

Although I knew I was going to an amazing high school, and I was comfortable with the environment, but still, many mysteries stand in front of me. Later in the summer, I went to the Cardinal Camp, which is a day to get comfortable with other freshmen and the environment of the high school. It was overall a great way to get introduced to the high school. I was less worried about the social aspect of high school but more of time managing and balancing all the activities in and out of school. I still remember me thinking it will be a very long while until I go into the importance junior year. But it is so crazy now that I am sitting writing this story on the closing cycles of the junior year.

Now is the time to step foot into the gateway of high school. After preparing to all of the materials for any normal day in school, I packed my backpacks and getting my mind cleared for a first step into the world of high school. On the first day, I knew that I will be meeting new people both classmates and teachers. The one thing that I was worried about the most was not just for the first day of school but for the entire four years. That was the excruciating schedule of having seven whole classes every day for five days a week. I was definitely more comfortable with a block schedule because it allowed me more time to study for a class at home.

By the end of the first day of school as a freshmen, I feel much more confident in myself. I learned all of my teachers and the everyday environment at my new school.Fast forward half a year and I am here awaiting winter break with one semester behind me. Finals are currently happening, and this transition is also one of the most important. In middle school, there were no designated week for final exams and they weren’t worth as much grading wise. But in high school, I had to learn to transition in this new schedule.

Time seemed like it went by so fast that there is no need for any fast forwards in life. After numerous hours of studying and many times of stressing about grades, I definitely changed from the start of freshmen year. I not only learned how to transition from middle school to high school, but I also learn the many new things in high school.